El último Nezai.
Hace cosa de dos años, una editora amigocha del Fondo De Cultura Económica me propuso el guión de la novela juvenil Más allá de los dos rios, del escritor español Jordi Sierra i Fabra.
Apenas empecé a leerlo y la historia me cautivó.
Todavía no terminaba de leer la trama en su totalidad , ni mucho menos hablabamos ella y yo de tiempos ni de contratos, cuando ya habían comenzado a aparecer en mi cabeza decenas de imagenes sobre los personajes, encuadres, vestimentas, ambientación y la síntesis narrativa de los capítulos.
En cuanto pude, le pedí a la editora me considerara antes que nadie para ilustrar ese texto.
Pero para mi sorpresa, ella ya me la había asignado desde el principio, esto es, después de ver junto con Jordi, en la feria del libro de Guadalajara de ese año, algunos de mis personajes harlemitas en blanco y negro de mi saga Harumm Scarumm.
Ella y yo supimos desde el principio que sí, que esa novela era para mi, por cuanto mi fascinación por el claroscuro y mi manía por dibujar afroamericanos en algunas de mis historietas.
Pero luego de casi un año de espera por cuestiones de presupuesto, comencé a dibujar y más o menos en un tiempo razonable, se terminó la parte gráfica.
La novela versa sobre la eterna esperanza del hombre por un futuro mejor para sus descendientes, del amor por la propia tierra, y del amor en su expresión más pura, pero sobre todo, habla sobre la devastación que produce la industria en África, y de como- algunas de las tribus que nunca han tenido contacto con la civilización- en cuanto lo tienen, desaparecen fagocitadas por ese montruo voraz llamado " la industria y el progreso".
El lector junto con el paladín de la historia , un jovencito huérfano y al mismo tiempo el último sobreviviente del pueblo Nezai , va descubriendo de una manera fascinante, la otra cara de todas aquellas costumbres -risibles la mayoría de ellas, como la vanidad, la posesión, el consumismo- y de todos aquellos objetos que nosotros los civilizados conocemos y usamos todos los días.
Desde el uso de ruedas de caucho para los automoviles, hasta el uso de harpones en tubitos de plástico para inocular bacterias manipuladas en el cuerpo humano.
El tono ambientalista y de preservación de la fauna, encaja a la perfección con esta manera de percibir el mundo a través de los ojos de un " buen salvaje".
El desenlace es desde luego, inesperado y- como debe ser- sorprendente.
Lamentablemente, un nudo legal sobre los derechos de la obra impidieron su publicación por esta casa editora, publicación que por lo tanto sigue empantanada en México y en la península.
A continuación, una diminuta muestra de mi versión sobre los personajes y el atrezzo de tan ingeniosa y maravillosa novela.
domingo, 18 de enero de 2009
jueves, 15 de enero de 2009
sábado, 10 de enero de 2009
Daily Comic Strip
I hope only people of good character are reading this strip because I couldn't spill the beans about how does a beautiful girl like Naive Pilette lives ( I am being sarcastic)with all these weird characters.
Such is life,I suppose.
Hope you have enjoyed it.
I stand wordless...Oh,boy!
I hope only people of good character are reading this strip because I couldn't spill the beans about how does a beautiful girl like Naive Pilette lives ( I am being sarcastic)with all these weird characters.
Such is life,I suppose.
Hope you have enjoyed it.
I stand wordless...Oh,boy!
viernes, 9 de enero de 2009
Daily Comic Strip
I don't know about you but I expect a great year!
Thumbs up, folks!
Sometimes you characterize a year by just one word or phrase.
For me that word would be "friends."
More than any other year I feel that some of my friends are gonna make a big impact on my life in the next twelve months.
Friends like you,of course.
Here's the strip.
Wow! That Lemmon's statement is really really cool, isn't it?
I now begin understanding a lot of things I was not aware of...
But,besides all this..who's that man snooping in at Chen's coffeehouse? Do you know him? mmm...Stay tunned...
To be continued...
I don't know about you but I expect a great year!
Thumbs up, folks!
Sometimes you characterize a year by just one word or phrase.
For me that word would be "friends."
More than any other year I feel that some of my friends are gonna make a big impact on my life in the next twelve months.
Friends like you,of course.
Here's the strip.
Wow! That Lemmon's statement is really really cool, isn't it?
I now begin understanding a lot of things I was not aware of...
But,besides all this..who's that man snooping in at Chen's coffeehouse? Do you know him? mmm...Stay tunned...
To be continued...
jueves, 8 de enero de 2009
Daily Comic Strip
Aw,this year had better be good.
I made some resolutions, although I'll probably go back and edit these as I come up with better ways to improve myself. Hope.
1. Get better at penciling.
2. Smoke less an get more money.Health comes an goes...
3. Be polite and say thanks more often to my friends for continuing drop by.
4. Eat more green stuff ...and yellow stuff...and purple stuff...and...
5. Be less nervous around people I perceive as mischievous.
6. Experiment more with my own strip characters (kill at least one of them... for good).
7. Get going right off on the personal projects I am always talking about.
8. Spend more time with hobbies besides drawing, girls for example.
9. Get better at returning e-mails.
10.Dispel the rumor that I dated a Playboy-bunnie.
Ok, enough too serious stuff...
Here's today's strip.
Aw,this year had better be good.
I made some resolutions, although I'll probably go back and edit these as I come up with better ways to improve myself. Hope.
1. Get better at penciling.
2. Smoke less an get more money.Health comes an goes...
3. Be polite and say thanks more often to my friends for continuing drop by.
4. Eat more green stuff ...and yellow stuff...and purple stuff...and...
5. Be less nervous around people I perceive as mischievous.
6. Experiment more with my own strip characters (kill at least one of them... for good).
7. Get going right off on the personal projects I am always talking about.
8. Spend more time with hobbies besides drawing, girls for example.
9. Get better at returning e-mails.
10.Dispel the rumor that I dated a Playboy-bunnie.
Ok, enough too serious stuff...
Here's today's strip.
How come does the Universe plot against mankind? Uh...ho...
Oh, My!...This is something totally new we do not know about Lemmon's standpoints...
To be continued...
miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009
Amuse yourselves!
We start this year trying to update the remaining entries we've already promised.
In principle one of this is our almost habitual Daily Comic Strip section.
Come and amuse yourselves. Step right up,boys and gals;we will show you wonderful things, comic marvels for free never before seen...
In this entry, our first Pilette strip -my favorite girl-we will display for you whatever you want to know about a funny and already dead-come -to -life beautiful woman.
Do you wish to see bizarre strip characters? Non wishy-washy adventures coming just right from the rotten linings of a coffin?
Name your pleasure!
By the way,we will do it this time in English just because the world-wide visitors great amount we have already met.
Let's ma babe be universal.
Hey kids, just enjoy and name your pleasure!
Dr. Lemmon has written a book about what...? A cosmic secret law? , Says who? What is all this about? Ooops!
To be continued...
We start this year trying to update the remaining entries we've already promised.
In principle one of this is our almost habitual Daily Comic Strip section.
Come and amuse yourselves. Step right up,boys and gals;we will show you wonderful things, comic marvels for free never before seen...
In this entry, our first Pilette strip -my favorite girl-we will display for you whatever you want to know about a funny and already dead-come -to -life beautiful woman.
Do you wish to see bizarre strip characters? Non wishy-washy adventures coming just right from the rotten linings of a coffin?
Name your pleasure!
By the way,we will do it this time in English just because the world-wide visitors great amount we have already met.
Let's ma babe be universal.
Hey kids, just enjoy and name your pleasure!
Dr. Lemmon has written a book about what...? A cosmic secret law? , Says who? What is all this about? Ooops!
To be continued...
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